
Top Online Chinese Private Tutors for You

Hui-Min Yuan

Our Experienced Online Chinese Tutors

Hui-Min Yuan

我是慧敏老師,曾旅居韓國、南非,也有與中國公司合作的經驗。我不只是華語老師,也是一名編劇,因此擅長將創意會話與真實情境帶入教學,同時以學生的生活經驗為基礎,創造符合亞洲生活以及學生興趣的教材,讓您了解在台灣、中國生活、工作、人際交往所需的基本語言運用以及文化內涵。 除了華語,我會說英文與韓文,因此剛接觸華語的初學者也不用擔心,我將會用第二語言協助您逐步認識這個蘊藏了我們華人生活哲學的載體,讓我們開始這趟華語之旅吧!

Interests: Business / Theatre & Webtoon Playwriting / Film photography / Scented Candle Making


$20 USD / Trial
$40USD50 minutes

Wan-Ting Kao

嗨!你好!我是高婉婷。很高興見到你! 我熱愛大自然、旅行,並且喜歡了解各國的傳統、習俗和文化。當然,我也對美食充滿熱情。請隨時與我分享你的興趣和喜愛的主題。我會根據你的目標、偏好和興趣來調整課程計劃。 我會教你日常生活中實用的中文表達,幫助你自然、自信地說中文。此外,如果在學習中文的過程中遇到任何挑戰或有任何疑慮,請隨時向我諮詢。我在這裡支持你! 期待在課堂上見到你!

Interests: Natural resources / Geographic information system / Web programming


$20 USD / Trial
$40USD50 minutes


這裡!讓我們舉辦一場普通話派對 🎉 與母語者 - 台灣人 | 日常生活對話 | 歌曲與故事 | 客製化進度 | 我是一個非常喜歡教學的人。在我的課程中,我會給你很多口語練習的機會。然後,我們將通過歌曲和故事來更深入地了解中文。順便提一下,我是一個愛狗的人,如果你也喜歡狗,歡迎你來參加我的派對,讓我們一起聊天。無論你喜歡什麼,我都迫不及待想見到你,希望很快能見到你🤩

Interests: Kids and Teens / Story Telling / Sing Songs


$16 USD / Trial
$33USD50 minutes

Syuan Zhang

你好,我是來自台灣的Syuan。 喜歡學習外語,從小學習英文,大學時主修日文,所以能夠理解學習語言常遇到的困難,讓大家在學習中文的路上不孤單,變得更加喜歡中文! 在我的課堂中,有適合初學者的課程,我會英文和日文,所以不用擔心完全聽不懂中文。 快來參加我的課程,一起快樂學中文,認識台灣文化。

Interests: Yoga


$16 USD / Trial
$33USD50 minutes


您好,我是IVY,從小於台灣長大,為中文使用母語者。 我大學主修的是應用華語文學系,因此在學生時期已有豐富的實習經驗,畢業後更是自己家教了來自世界各地的學生, 有豐富的華語教學經驗及成人正音經驗。 幫助學生學習一個新的語言並且使他們的語言能力逐漸成長,這些良好的改變是讓我覺得在華語文教學中最快樂的地方。 在我的課堂上,我會著重於發音、語法,也會依照學生的需求作課堂上的調整;此外我還會說韓文及英文,想要輕鬆的學習中文嗎?我們網路上見!

Interests: Story telling / Podcast script planning and Production / Sound effects production and Editing


$16 USD / Trial
$33USD50 minutes


你好,我是念蓓老師(Teacher Julia),我是台灣人,我喜歡旅行、打羽毛球、慢跑、曬太陽。我在大學主修西班牙語。我曾經在馬德里教授過兒童中文的經驗,在線上教台灣學生西班牙文四年。 我非常熱愛在台灣旅行,和探索不同國家的文化。在我的課堂中,你可以學習到日常生活會話,了解台灣當地歷史及文化,歡迎一起分享不同國家的生活文化,期待在我的課堂見到你!

Interests: Spainsh / Taiwanese / Astrology


$16 USD / Trial
$33USD50 minutes


經驗豐富,能客製化教材📝,個性和善耐心💟,說中文生活化,口語自然。🎇 📣快速開口說,能理解文化🎋🐉🎑,也能進行專業會話、語法語詞彙教學。💫 能理解各類需求👌,並製造出相符教材與課程!🎊 熟悉僑委會教材🎶🔖,也能進行孩童教學🙌 善於傾聽🎧,理解問題!🏫母語者需要中文補習,也沒問題!我考國立大學!! 課程包含:中文家教,考高中,大學可!我是語言資優!💥兒童青少年可!👩‍👦‍👦 中文各級之聽說讀寫練習,生活會話,專業內容,客製化課程,幫助僑學生學習中文。 能製作文化課程,能理解文字與文化的意義。 💝特色:快樂學習。能訂製專門課程。專注於學生差異化教學與需求。 📚️成效:一週至少會寫10個漢字並使用詞彙/作文進步/古文理解

Interests: Advanced / Guidance Writing / Chinese Studies Major-Oriental Studies / Introduction to Taiwanese characteristics / Kids and Teens / Business


$32 USD / Trial
$63USD50 minutes

Yiyin Lin (Luisa)


Interests: Kids and Teens / Business / Picture books reading / Advanced / Cultural themes presentation / Free conversational teaching


$32 USD / Trial
$63USD50 minutes

Pei-Ju Wen (Wendy)

你好,我是珮如老師(Teacher Wendy),我是台灣人,我喜歡閱讀、寫文章和旅行,我在大學主修中國文學與教育。我在線上教台灣學生中文已經一年了,我也曾經到土耳其教外國人中文 我非常熱愛在台灣旅行,和探索不同地方的文化,我曾經靠雙腳走台灣旅行一圈。在我的課堂中,你可以學習到日常生活會話,了解台灣的景點和文化,一起分享不同國家的生活,期待在我的課堂見到你!

Interests: Kids and Teens / Hiking / Chinese literature


$16 USD / Trial
$33USD50 minutes

yu fang Lai

大家好 我原本任教於台灣的國民中學,因移居海外而開始了華語教學的工作。我擁有兒童及成人華語教學的經驗,我擅長用互動式教學來提升學生的聽說讀寫能力;運用多媒體資源及配合學生個人興趣來增加學生接觸中文的機會。根據我個人的經驗,面對不同國家的學生,必須配合各國學生的學習習慣在教學上做出調整及變化,才能激發學生對中文學習的熱情。 我的興趣是做各國料理、看推理日劇和中國古典時代劇、看書、寫書法、編織和手作小物。我對日本文化很有興趣,會說日語、做日式料理、穿和服。希望學員們在我的課堂上能夠體驗到學習華語的樂趣,與我互相分享多樣的文化體驗。

Interests: Cooking / Handcraft


$16 USD / Trial
$33USD50 minutes

Why choose BaoDao Talk to learn Mandarin?

Highly qualified and experienced tutors

Our tutors are rigorously selected through in-depth interviews and teaching demonstrations, ensuring they meet our high standards in language proficiency, teaching skills, and Mandarin knowledge.

Well-Structured courses

We offer well-structured courses and spiral curriculums in Taiwanese Mandarin designed to cater to a variety of learning goals. Whether you aim to achieve conversational fluency, business Chinese, or exam preparation, our courses are systematically organized to ensure progressive learning and help you build up your Mandarin fluency with a series of lessons.

Customised lessons

We understand that each student is unique. Our tutors tailor their teaching methods and materials to fit your learning style, goals, and proficiency level. We also offer Traditional Chinese lessons taught by Taiwanese teachers, with a focus on cultural lessons specific to Taiwan. This personalized approach ensures that you receive the most effective and enjoyable learning experience possible.

Flexible schedules

We know that flexibility is important in today’s busy world. That’s why we offer flexible scheduling options, allowing you to book lessons at times that are convenient for you. This makes it easier to fit Mandarin learning into your daily routine.

Interactive learning materials

Our platform uses interactive learning materials to enhance your learning experience. For example, we offer stroke order animation demos and quiz modes to help you practice writing Chinese characters correctly and reinforce your learning through engaging activities.

Easy payment

We make payment straightforward with our point system, where each point equals one dollar. Students can pre-load points for lessons, choose from flexible recharge optio ns, and enjoy a transparent cash refund mechanism. This ensures a convenient, secure, and stress-free payment experience, with the flexibility to meet individual needs.

Highly qualified and experienced tutors

Our tutors are rigorously selected through in-depth interviews and teaching demonstrations, ensuring they meet our high standards in language proficiency, teaching skills, and Mandarin knowledge.

Well-Structured courses

We offer well-structured courses and spiral curriculums in Taiwanese Mandarin designed to cater to a variety of learning goals. Whether you aim to achieve conversational fluency, business Chinese, or exam preparation, our courses are systematically organized to ensure progressive learning and help you build up your Mandarin fluency with a series of lessons.

Customised lessons

We understand that each student is unique. Our tutors tailor their teaching methods and materials to fit your learning style, goals, and proficiency level. We also offer Traditional Chinese lessons taught by Taiwanese teachers, with a focus on cultural lessons specific to Taiwan. This personalized approach ensures that you receive the most effective and enjoyable learning experience possible.

Flexible schedules

We know that flexibility is important in today’s busy world. That’s why we offer flexible scheduling options, allowing you to book lessons at times that are convenient for you. This makes it easier to fit Mandarin learning into your daily routine.

Interactive learning materials

Our platform uses interactive learning materials to enhance your learning experience. For example, we offer stroke order animation demos and quiz modes to help you practice writing Chinese characters correctly and reinforce your learning through engaging activities.

Easy payment

We make payment straightforward with our point system, where each point equals one dollar. Students can pre-load points for lessons, choose from flexible recharge optio ns, and enjoy a transparent cash refund mechanism. This ensures a convenient, secure, and stress-free payment experience, with the flexibility to meet individual needs.

How does BaoDao Talk work?

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Once you've chosen a tutor, schedule a lesson with them. You can choose the date and time that suits you best, and the tutor will be ready to start teaching.

taiwan snack


Start learning

Log in to the BaoDao Talk website at your scheduled lesson time. Start your Mandarin lesson with your chosen tutor.

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