Hui-Min Yuan

Hui-Min Yuan


  • Beginners
  • Business
  • Intermediate
  • Theatre & Webtoon Playwriting
  • Film photography
  • Scented Candle Making

I'm HuiMin, a Taiwanese Mandarin teacher and scriptwriter. I specialize in crafting scenarios for theater, cinema, and webtoons to integrate practical Mandarin learning for real-life situations in Taiwan and China. I enjoy tailoring materials to your interests, making the Mandarin learning journey both educational and enjoyable. For the daring beginners, fear not! I am your linguistic sherpa, who can speak English and Korean. I'll guide you through the peaks and valleys of Mandarin with ease and a sprinkle of humor. To me, language is more than communication; it's a profound expression of culture. Join me on this linguistic and cultural exploration as I share Mandarin knowledge and unravel the richness of Taiwanese culture with you. 我是慧敏老師,曾旅居韓國、南非,也有與中國公司合作的經驗。我不只是華語老師,也是一名編劇,因此擅長將創意會話與真實情境帶入教學,同時以學生的生活經驗為基礎,創造符合亞洲生活以及學生興趣的教材,讓您了解在台灣、中國生活、工作、人際交往所需的基本語言運用以及文化內涵。 除了華語,我會說英文與韓文,因此剛接觸華語的初學者也不用擔心,我將會用第二語言協助您逐步認識這個蘊藏了我們華人生活哲學的載體,讓我們開始這趟華語之旅吧!



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