Jovy Hung

Jovy Hung


  • Beginners
  • Kids and Teens
  • Business presentation
  • Communication skill
  • Storytelling

你好,我是喬喬,來自台灣的華語老師。 我的興趣是旅遊、游泳、排球、烹飪。 我的教學理想是邊玩樂邊學習,有趣的課程讓學習不無聊,並且我認為學習是長久,而且是要實用的,當然,你也可以與我討論想要的課程模式,我會依據你的狀況作調整。 我有10年以上的小孩教學經驗(志工),也有一個2歲的女兒,所以知道如何和小孩相處,課程會以手作、遊戲、說故事為主,目的是讓孩子在玩樂過程中學習中文,讓孩子喜歡上課,長遠目標朝向主動學習。 另外,我也有10年以上的醫療產品銷售的經驗,是人與人溝通為主的行業,溝通技巧是我的專長,我也可以幫助你練習商業的對話。 謝謝你觀看我的資料,歡迎預約我的時間與我練習中文。 Hello, I'm Jovy, a Chinese teacher from Taiwan. My interests include traveling, swimming, volleyball, and cooking. My teaching philosophy revolves around learning while having fun. I believe that engaging and enjoyable lessons make learning less boring, and I emphasize practicality in learning. Of course, you can also discuss with me the desired course mode, and I'll adjust it according to your needs. With over 10 years of experience in teaching children (volunteer) and a 2-year-old daughter myself, I understand how to interact with kids. My classes focus on hands-on activities, games, and storytelling, aiming to help children learn Chinese while having fun and fostering a love for learning in the long run. Furthermore, I have over 10 years of experience in medical product sales, a field centered around interpersonal communication. Communication skills are my expertise, and I can also help you practice business conversations. Thank you for viewing my profile, and feel free to book a session with me to practice Chinese.



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